Important Note
We recommend only 1 app installation is installed per organization to avoid confusion.
To create/access any course/assignment created in Canvas, please log in through Canvas. You will never need to go to to access a Canvas course/assignment.
Adding GoReact as an external tool in Canvas
Please follow these steps to add GoReact as an external tool in Canvas.
Note, your view in Canvas may be slightly different, but the same steps should apply. Be advised, if you're unable to install external tools, then you likely do not have the proper role/permissions in Canvas. Please seek out your Canvas administrator to get those adjusted, or have them follow this guide for you.
- From the Admin tab, select "Settings," and then "Apps."
- Click "View App Configurations
- "Click "+ App"
- Enter in the following information:
Name: GoReact
Consumer Key: Obtained by contacting GoReact Support
Shared Secret: Obtained by contacting GoReact Support
Launch URL:
Domain: (leave blank)
Privacy: Public
Custom Fields: (leave blank for basic launch)
Description (optional): A description of the GoReact app
- Click "Submit". The GoReact app is now available for all courses in your organization. Now, instructors can create GoReact assignments in Canvas.