Dance, music, vocal coaching, and even conducting music are all disciplines that benefit from GoReact. Performers of all kinds reap huge benefits by recording themselves and watching the footage afterward. And time-coded comments are by far the easiest way for instructors to give targeted, detailed feedback on performances.

No matter what type of performing art you teach, having the ability to review and grade performances asynchronously is a HUGE time-saver. Video footage can also be a great motivator for students to practice and perfect. If they have the option of recording their performance for a test and watching it afterward, there’s a strong possibility that they’ll see room for improvement and record a second time. Self-awareness is a powerful weapon in the hands of any artist.

GoReact has four assignment types that can be used in creative ways to meet the needs of a Performing Arts course. This guide gives some best practice examples of how each assignment type can be used in Performing Arts.

Example assignment types:

Self-Submit assignments allow participants to record their own videos and submit them for feedback.  This is the most common assignment type used.

Example assignments: Performance review

A few suggestions for your assignments:

  • Use Markers - Re-usable color-coded labels that can be used to mark-up videos.  (i.e. eye contact, classroom management, student engagement, active listening, vocal filler)
  • Enable open or closed Peer Review - Allow other students to evaluate each other.  They can also complete a peer evaluation rubric!
  • Have your students download our Mobile App - The easiest way for students to record and upload their videos from a classroom!
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