More and more medical courses are turning to GoReact to provide feedback to students. Nursing, counseling, first aid courses, EMT training, and even psychiatric training all require students to demonstrate skills for assessment. The end goal for all these areas is to have successful patient interactions.

GoReact has four activity types that can be used in creative ways to meet the needs of a Nursing/Psych course. This guide gives some best practice examples of how each activity type can be used in Healthcare Education.

Example activity types:

Self-Submit activities allow participants to record their own videos and submit them for feedback.  This is the most common Activity type used.

For example, some classes need to conduct mock counseling sessions and see how they’re doing. GoReact is the perfect tool to record the session, let the instructor comment on how it went, and allow the student to self-evaluate their own footage. Very simple.

Example activities: Clinical observations, counseling sessions

Example activity settings:

  • Rubrics - A structured evaluation that can include a set of standard certification criteria.
  • Mobile App - The easiest way for students to record and upload their videos on the go!
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