Creating GoReact assignments in Canvas

All of the documentation in the Instructor section still applies to the GoReact app in Canvas, the only thing that is different is where you will create/access the course content.

Important Note

Accessing GoReact via Canvas is a different experience than just going to, because the two systems do not communicate.

To create/access your course/assignment, please log in through Canvas. You will never need to go to to access a Canvas course/assignment.

Before Starting

The GoReact app must be installed by your Canvas Administrator / IT Help Desk before you can add it to your assignments.  See our Administrator setup of GoReact in Canvas for more information.

Creating GoReact Assignments in Canvas

Please follow these steps to create your GoReact assignment in Canvas.

Note, your view in Canvas may be slightly different, but the same steps should apply. If you need further instruction, please reach out to your IT Help Desk.

  1. After logging into Canvas, click on the desired course.


  2. From there, click on the "Assignments" tab on the left hand side.
  3. Then, click "+ Assignment" on the top right.


  4. Enter in an assignment name, a description/instructions, and points if you wish the assignment to be graded. For more help setting up your gradebook, please contact your Canvas Administrator / IT Help Desk.

    Be advised, the points in Canvas need to match the points in GoReact for grade passback to work.

  5. Under "Submission Type" change the drop-down to "External Tool", and click "Find".


  6. Select "GoReact" from your list of external tools, and check the setting to "Load This Tool In A New Tab".

    Be advised, the name of the GoReact tool may vary. If you can't find the GoReact tool, please reach out to your Canvas Administrator / IT Help Desk.

  7. Finish entering any additional settings, and click "Save".
  8. Important Step: Lastly, as the instructor, you must open the GoReact assignment and finish selecting any desired settings before your students are able to submit.

For more information on GoReact Assignment settings, please review this guide: Assignment Settings.

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