This article is for Students. Click here for the Instructor article.

If you'd like to know what is required of you for a specific activity, you can view the activity's settings. To view these, open an activity and click the "View Instructions" button at the bottom right of the dashboard.


A pop-up will appear and show the activity type, point value, instructions, and any settings that are enabled on the activity (like time limits, rubrics, etc.)


Three types of assignments

  • StandardWithout any additional settings, this activity type allows you to record or upload a standalone video and submit it for feedback.  With additional settings, this assignment type can be configured to allow live review, group recordings, or presenter slides.
  • Stimulus - This activity type allows you to record a video response to a prompt video (or other media). This recorded response will then be synchronized to the stimulus media. See our guide on Recording a Stimulus Video.
  • Comment Only - This activity type allows you to evaluate a video without recording your own video response. See our guide on Submitting to a Comment-Only Activity.

Activity Details

  • Attempts: This setting will either say Unlimited or Single. With Unlimited attempts, you can submit as many videos as you would like. Single attempts are more restrictive and can only be done once. See our guide on Recording a Single Attempt Video for more information.
  • Points: If the activity is graded/scored you will see the total points available.
  • Time limit: If there is a time limit, recordings are restricted to a specific amount of time.  At the end of the time limit, the recording will be automatically submitted. (If you do not see a time limit, the creator of the activity did not set one.)
  • Preview Rubric: If a rubric will be used to evaluate your submission, you can click on "Preview Rubric" to see what metrics the video will be scored on.
  • Recording Instructions: If the creator of the activity added instructions, you will be able to read them here.
  • Owner Attachments: If the creator of the activity added an attachment, you can view it here. Attachments can be PDFs, images, or videos.
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