Please Note

Students MUST be invited by the Folder owner to be able to join the course, so please review this guide carefully.

Participant/Student, and Owner/Instructor are synonymous. For more information on roles, please review our User Permission Levels guide.

Inviting Users to your Folder

You can invite users to your GoReact Folder via email, or via join link. The following guide will walk you through how to do that:

Be advised, only students can use a join link. If you wish to invite another Admin, Owner, or Reviewer you must invite them via email address.

  1. To invite someone to your Folder simply right click on the Folder and click "Invite Users".

    Invite from card.png

  2. After clicking "Invite Users" a modal will appear where you can invite someone via their email address, or you can "Create a Public Share Link".

    invite modal.png

Please Note

Public Share Links will look like this, but have a custom value specific to your Folder:

For instructions on how to use a Public Share Link, please review our Using a Join Link guide.


Watch a short video or review more in-depth information below.


What if the person I invited didn't receive the invitation?

There could be many reasons why an email didn't go through, such as it being directed to a spam/junk folder, or just a simple misspelling.
After confirming the email address, and that the email wasn't directed to a junk/spam folder, navigate to the "Manage Users" panel and resend the invitation. Re-send invite.png
If after Re-sending the invitation they still aren't receiving it, please reach out to our support team here:
Contact GoReact Support

Do I need to invite my participants, or is there a self-serviced sign-up?

At this time, all Reviewers and Participants need to be invited to the course via email invitation or join link. Only those with an Owner role can create their own account.

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