Getting Started Guide for Instructors

Please Note

With our new GoReact dashboard, there is some new terminology. Note that Folder/Course, Activity/Assignment, Owner/Instructor, and Participant/Presenter are now interchangeable terms.

Creating an account

      1. From the homepage, click "Sign Up" at the top right.
      2. Either enter the required information and click "Sign Up," or click the "Google" button to use GoReact with an existing Google account. (Note: If you choose Google at this point, you will always use the Google button to sign in to GoReact.)


      3. You will receive an email confirmation and will then be prompted to enter the verification code found in that email.  Enter the code and follow the prompts to finish creating your account.



        If you do not receive an email confirmation, check your spam folder - the email may have been filtered there. If it's not there either, you may have entered your email address incorrectly. Try going back in your browser to confirm that you entered the correct address.

      4. Next, select the organization you belong to.  If you have been invited to or if we have associated your email domain with an existing organization, you will see that organization listed.  You can also search for your organization by clicking the "Search for more" link if you don't see it already listed.


        If you are the first GoReact user for your organization or if we aren't able to associate your email domain with an existing organization, you can create a new one by clicking the "Create" button. 


        Enter the requested information about your organization and click "Continue."


      5. Select one of the options under "Primary Use" and select a "Role" for your account. Then click "Create Account."


      6. Your account has been created.  Click Continue to create your first folder!



After creating your account, follow these guides to get everything set up:


This video will walk you through key functions of GoReact, such as: Creating folders and activities, Inviting and Managing Users, Editing folders and activities, and navigating through the dashboard.


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