Providing Feedback on GoReact

GoReact is dependent on the feedback of our customers to create a great product, and we want to hear from you! Please follow this guide to provide feedback for our GoReact Product Team!

Please Note

The GoReact experience is different between and an LMS (Canvas, Blackboard, D2L/Brightspace, etc.), so please select your applicable experience.

How are you accessing GoReact?

Providing Feedback on GoReact

  1. From your GoReact dashboard, click "Give us Feedback" on the bottom left

    Give us feedback tab.png

  2. From there, a modal will load on the right hand side where you can provide your feedback!
Be advised, as a Product Team, GoReact reviews each submission sent to us. For urgent needs, or assistance using the product, please contact our support team by going to Thank you!
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